AUS: Australia to strip convicted paedophiles of passports

Convicted paedophiles will have their passports cancelled to prevent them travelling overseas to offend again under tough new laws which Australia Tuesday (May 30) hailed as a “world first”.

Legislation will be introduced to parliament this month making it illegal for registered offenders to leave or attempt to leave the country as part of a crackdown on child-sex tourism. Full Article


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Australia’s decision to prohibit registrants convicted of offenses involving a minor from traveling overseas is abominable! I have traveled to Australia and don’t believe this decision is supported by their citizens. Because Australia has made this decision, I hereby call for a boycott of Australia and everything Australian. Please join me!

That’s not a very good reason for the government to be doing that. Stripping registrants of their passports so that can’t travel to reoffend is just fallacious and doesn’t make any sense at all. Those that are involve in sex trafficking, and sex tourism that involve minors are mostly non registrants that have never been caught, and if they do get caught or compromised it’s usually their first time and hardly more than once. This has to be stopped and these lawmakers that are pushing for more laws and ordinances should be held accountable and they must be challenged and investigated.

I’ll certainly join that boycott. (I wonder how long until one of our bonehead legislators wants to push the same thing here. And the very notion of rescinding passports will, I suspect, lead to legislators “poking the bears” at State Department to start “uniquely identifying” our U.S. passports.)

Out of those 800 registrants who traveled internationally – exactly how many were convicted of child sex crimes during those travels? Anyone know? I found one, on Bali.

You want to help children in those poor countries? Stop importing and buying cr@p made by children who toil in abject poverty under the most despicable, life threatening conditions. But that means you’ll have to pay more for a pair of Jeans than $8.99 at WalMart.

Naah….. so much easier to trample people’s rights.

ps. IF those paedophiles are guaranteed to re-offend, and IF they cannot leave the country…. where are they going to do what they inevitably will? Yeah….. this is a great idea.

Despite this, apparently Australia has a tiered registry. But California still doesn’t. 🤔

Wow, and I thought *our* “leaders” were fear-mongering, rabid morons. Yes, Australia, it’s a world’s first…though hardly a badge of honor. Way to turn yourself back into the penal colony you started as.

20,000 losing the right to travel, and 2,500 added each year. Their banned-citizen group will grow exponentially faster than their population, that’s for sure!


This just proves that conservatives, in whatever guise they don I.E liberals in Australia, anywhere in the world are all equally dangerous. They need to be wiped out worldwide.

I’ve been watching all the new oppressive laws being passed in Australia for a few years now- not just sex offense laws, and that country is fast becoming the beta test for the globalists plans worldwide. So, this passport ban doesn’t surprise me at all. I wonder if their territories have different ages of consent, and if a “child rapist” is an umbrella term that includes lesser crimes. I guess it doesn’t really matter, as they will probably narrowly tailor the law to apply to the few, and eventually it will include everybody. People of Australia – this is your wake up call …..

Someone needs to lobby Laura Ahearn for a DUI registry. She would love a another stream of income.

“Last year alone, almost 800 registered child sex offenders travelled overseas from Australia.”

Conveniently, the article didn’t mention where they are traveling to. Most of the child sex tourism happens in third world or lesser industrialized countries like Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, El Salvador and the Philippines, where kids engage men from other countries via the Internet, and sell them pornographic images of themselves. In a lot of these poorer countries, parents sell their own kids to support the family.

Fact is, going after the “Johns” is akin to chasing the crack head as he crawls around the carpet looking for the rock he just dropped. Although the sex tourist is part of the problem, nothing will change the fact that money makes the world go round. In other words, it’s the economy, stupid.


How on EARTH can a lawsuit not be brought up to their supreme court?? I mean this is beyond stupid and unconstitutional. These are just psychopaths coming up with laws that have no backing to them.

I’m from the UK and have never had anything to do with Australians . Just check their history and bigoted behaviour. Banning refugees, mass deportation of Aborigines to various places, strict Trump immigration policies. Imagine a huge country at the bottom of the world like Florida, Alabama etc.

What are we going to boycott? Their beer?

Australia has a huge issue with there Passport and rights to travel but me being from California I think the focus should be and a priority about registrants here in the U.S travelling free with out that notification (or stamp) or whatever the government wants to throw at us! but the boycott does sound good, I have thought about visiting Australia (but) not possible.

I think if you are going to do it then do it right.

In Australia they say that certain people just can’t leave so take their passports away – simple.

In America you do things as everything is done here…with hypocrisy! Instead of taking passports away, they put special markers showing you are a second class citizen. On top of that, they have effectively already trapped RSO within the borders when they send out a notice to the destination country NOT to allow the RSO!

So if you are going to be assholes about it I would rather have the in your face like Australia instead of the behind your back like in the United States.

Clearly BOTH are wrong and if you have paid your time and are out of jail/prison then you should have full rights to your international travel documents AND the right to use those documents to actually…Travel!